Welcome To The Creative Act

A pro-musician making sense of the creative process within the context of his life experience.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Vacation from the music business

I went on vacation for a few days last week. I just had to step away from the music business for a little while. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my version of the music business but it is a business after all. I refer to it as "my version" because there are as many ways to run a music business as there are musicians. My version seems to work for me but it does get to be a little too much every so often.

My music business consists of performance, composition, recording sales, booking, education, marketing, communications, research and development, instrument maintenance and repair, accounting, and lastly...personal physical, emotional and spiritual health maintenance and development. Whew! Now you know why I need to step away once in a while!

I am an indie (short for independent unsigned musical recording artist) which basically means that I do everything myself. I know some indies that farm out some of the work to managers and agents. It works for some of them but most of them are not nearly as busy as I am and they certainly don't have the profit margin that I have. I have become used to being somewhat of a control freak but I do know how to run my business. I probably wouldn't be successful running another artist's business but I am successful running mine!

My business revolves around the tourist economy in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I have been established in Santa Fe for over ten years. I don't have to depend on touring so I don't really tour too much. I used to tour but found that the time away from family, the cost of transportation and lodging as well as the negative effects on my health just didn't add up to a positive cash or energy flow. This is the main reason why I decided to focus on the tourist market here in Santa Fe. There are challenges to this type of musical performance but at least I get to go home to my wife after the gig! Did I mention that she went with me on vacation? Priceless! RR

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