Welcome To The Creative Act

A pro-musician making sense of the creative process within the context of his life experience.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Flute Dynamics

My observation is that many flute players do not pay adequate attention to the concept of 'Dynamics'. The definition of Dynamics as applied to music is the variation in force or intensity in sound production. Effective Dynamics allows a flute song to display an added dimension that emotionally moves the listener. I hear a lot of flute music on the web that would be much better received if only the player displayed some dynamism. Dynamics allows tension to be built and resolved which calls for an emotional response from the listener. It's more than just playing loud and then soft. It's about knowing the song's emotional requirements. It's about knowing the story that the song wants to tell. This is why actual song making is important. If a player intimately knows the song, the song's dynamic requirements will eventually become apparent.

Variation in force or intensity is brought about by effective use of the diaphragm, the muscle that controls breathing. Pushing air from the diaphragm is basically the flute's volume control. Of course, it's more than than just pushing air. Dynamism is also realized by effective use of vibrato. Many flute players offer one force with no vibrato which leaves the listener bored as a result. This one dimensional approach does not help in elevating the art form as a bored listener will not seek out more flute music. A simple, effective way to achieve smooth vibrato is to practice breathing into the flute while making a 'hohohohoho' or 'hahahahaha' sound from the diaphragm. Practice until the process is smooth and not forced. It takes practice...there is no other way around it!

Here is a link to my Flute Forum Music Player that I hope will illustrate the effective use of Dynamics. (http://www.fluteportal.com/music/246) The song I am referring to is called 'The Hole In The Sky'. Listeners of this song often remark that they appreciate hearing the flute played with this kind of emotionalism and intensity. It actually helps them spark their imagination. That's what we, as flute players, should be doing. We should be sparking people's imaginations. Are you doing it?

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